Is your home ready for Winter? A maintenance check up can help avoid costly repairs.

Is your home ready for Winter?  A maintenance check up can help avoid costly repairs.

Are you ready for Winter?

Are you ready for Winter?

Why Is Maintenance Important?

Semi-Annual roof maintenance will help you avoid any surprises.  Your home is not only your cozy loving sanctuary for your family,  it is a big investment and you always want to protect your investments.  Regular maintenance check ups for post-winter damage & fall clean up to prepare for winter, will help lengthen the life of your roof, gutters and chimney.

When gutters are blocked, they are a major source of leaks.  Water won’t be able to funnel away from the house when backed up with leaves & other debris.

Repairs to loose, broken or warped shingles caused by falling branches can halt water issues in the future.

Re-sealing cracks around vents will keep water and animals out.

Inspecting the flashing around chimneys and skylights can prevent water from getting trapped behind them.

Determining improper ventilation issues with an attic, which may be the real issue with water getting in, is an important pro-active measure.

We all know how important it is these days to make our possessions last.  Let our family business take care of your family home.  Call 877-604-7663 or email today to schedule an estimate.  

Happy Autumn Equinox!

Autumn Equinox